Japan's Ministry of economy, industry and industry claims that the radiation polluted water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will cause "very little harm" if discharged into the sea or the atmosphere.
The Ministry of industry and industry sent a report to a government subcommittee studying methods for the treatment of radiation polluted water to make the above inference.
According to the province of economy and industry, if the existing polluted water is discharged within one year, the annual radiation level of sea water near the discharge point will be 0.052-0.62 millisieverts, and the annual radiation level of atmosphere will be 1.3 millisieverts, far lower than the natural average annual radiation level of 2100 millisieverts.
Siver reflected the effect of radiation dose on biological tissue. One joule of energy absorbed by one kilogram of biological tissue is one Schiff. 1 Sievert is 1000 milliSievert.
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was severely damaged in the March 11, 2011 East Japan earthquake and tsunami, resulting in the highest level radiation leakage accident.
Accident handlers are collecting cooling water and groundwater from nuclear reactors containing radioactive materials, which are stored in water tanks in the nuclear power plant. The water volume has exceeded 1 million tons and continues to increase every day.
The Tokyo Electric Power Company, which operates the plant, said it expected no more water storage tanks to be added by the end of 2020 and that the capacity would reach its limit of about 1.37 million tons in the summer of 2022.
Many Japanese people and fishery associations strongly oppose the discharge of radiation polluted water. In August, the South Korean government summoned the Japanese Minister in South Korea and delivered a note expressing South Korean concerns, asking the Japanese government to explain the plan for the treatment of polluted water. (From CNNPN)