The U.S. Department of Commerce has announced the initiation of new antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations to determine whether forged steel fittings from India and Korea are being dumped in the United States and to find if producers in India are receiving unfair subsidies.
These investigations were initiated based on petitions filed by Bonney Forge Corporation (Mount Union, PA) and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union.
The alleged dumping margins range from 45.31 to 198.38 percent for Korea and 52.48 to 293.40 for India.
There are 45 subsidy programs alleged for India, including allegations that the Government of India provides export subsidies, as well as subsidized financing, land, steel, and other raw materials.
If Commerce makes affirmative findings in these investigations, and if the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) determines that dumped and/or unfairly subsidized U.S. imports of forged steel fittings from India and/or Korea are causing injury to the U.S. industry, Commerce will impose duties on those imports in the amount of dumping and/or unfair subsidization found to exist.
In 2018, imports of forged steel fittings from India and Korea were valued at an estimated $92.6 million and $67.6 million, respectively. (From Scrapregister)